How to prevent plagiarism

Plagiarism is common in academic writing and novel writing. Stealing of ideas for fictional content happens. Using ideas without citation and credit also happens. We read we admire, we copy. We find the work original and pleasant. We are compelled to write a similar story. Another case scenario is admiring an authority figure. Their work ethic, their ideologies and their contribution to society. As a result, we end up thinking and behaving like them. After all, they are role models, however, sometimes it can be taken a tad bit far. Their ideologies are ingrained and one can fail to mention where those ideas came from, how you came up with a solution. Imitation is the highest form of flattery –Charles Caleb Colton, in Lacon: or, Many things in few words, 1820. I have just used the quote to credit the source who happens to be the author named above. As an example of avoiding plagiarism.

As writing articles and doing essays, thesis’ and term papers are unavoidable, we can look for ways to prevent plagiarism. Know ahead of time what you want to write. Look for the right material, and be careful when doing research to leave notes that you can come back to. This way, you will remember to put references, quote sources, authors and ideas correctly. However, the first thing to do is always to educate yourself on the rules and regulations.

In order to avoid plagiarism of any kind is as beneficial know the kinds of plagiarism to be able to avoid them completely. For those who want to establish themselves in the writing field to be known and referred to as published authors or have respected literary works, having an original script is mandatory. Plagiarism has been defined as “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work”. In the academic world, it is a very serious offense that can result in punishments such as a suspension or expulsion. Plagiarism offenses can be taken to court by the offended sources if they so wish. However, some prefer to settle it out of court by either material settlements or receiving their credit where due.

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Gathering literature needs to be done with diligence by adding in information carefully. It has been known that some of the penalties include retracting of research papers after making plagiarism mistakes. These can occur accidentally and that is why proofreading and also asking someone qualified to go over the work should be done to evaluate the quality of the work. Loss of credibility and reputation also goes hand in hand with accusations of plagiarism. For academic working on their doctorates and other important papers, this can be the quickest way to end their careers.

Now some institutions may not emphasize the consequences of plagiarism as required. However, to maintain a level of professionalism and quality of work, it is necessary. Authentication through citation of the sources of words and ideas is a validation required in the global world of academics. It needs to be adhered to and maintained for the level of work to be assessed and taken as a quality product worth its salt. In part knowledge and in part material. It is also good to note down your own ideas formed from critical thinking and those you discover.

Referencing is one of the ways to avoid plagiarism. Correct referencing requires that you acknowledge someone else’s work while writing. Specifically, in two places. In the text of your assignment, this is known as in-text referencing and in a list at the end of your assignment, known as a reference list. This will also help your readers locate the ideas you have used and the items referred to in writing. There are different writing styles like Harvard UTS, American Psychological Association (APA), the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC) among others.