What is the life cycle of redwood trees?

What is the life cycle of redwood trees?

Redwoods are often spotted along California to Oregon coasts, which experience coastal fog all year round. There are mainly three types of redwood trees, Giant Sequoias which are scientifically identified as sequoiadendron giganteum, Metasequoia glyptostrobides which are also known as Dawn Redwoods, and the Sequoia sempervirens that are commonly referred to as coast redwoods; they grow to approximately five feet per year and are native to Humboldt County, which has a cool climate.

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 Design Leadership in Achieving a Company's Strategic Goals

Design Leadership in Achieving a Company's Strategic Goals

Design leadership is very crucial when it comes to achieving organizational end objectives. This aspect of design leadership contributes significant pathways in obtaining the overall vision and goals of a company. The distinction between the design and leadership has gained worldwide attention in the past few decades. Bosse (2017), observes that the aspect of organizational management is exceptionally rigid. The above assertion is true since administration in most cases is based on delivery of outputs. Leadership, on the other hand, focuses on the relationship as it motivates the workers or rather the employees.

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Western Culture And Policies That Have Shaped The Modern World

Western Policies That Have Shaped The Modern World

European civilization refers to a vast heritage of social traditions, moral values, traditional belief systems, political systems, social stratification, art and technologies that originated from the western side of the continent (Madsen 2014). Western cultural traits include artifacts, philosophy, law, diet, general lifestyle, and industry, and clothing, religion such as Hellenic, Jewish, Slavic, Christianity, and Latin that helped in defining the civilization process since the 4th century. Similarly, according to Madsen (2014), during the ancient period, the middle ages and the rationalism in various means of livelihood as a result of the Hellenistic philosophy and scientific revolution contributed to westernization. Majority of the countries that experienced the European civilization as a result of their immigration include states in continents such as America and Australia.

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 Design Leadership in Achieving a Company's Strategic Goals

​​Are All Essay Writing Services Legit?

Essay writing has been gaining popularity steadily within classroom walls for years and is often a topic of hushed discussions between students strolling in school corridors or under a shade completing a group assignment. Many students have opted to buy essays online. Feeling the pressure of rigorous class schedules with little time to study, and complex final assignments they can barely grasp. Hence, many have resorted to this alternative method of achieving academic success. Classes are more challenging as employers’ expectations shift to embrace a more dynamic way of working. New innovations coupled with high merit standards requires employees and students to stay up to date and go further in their education if they want to pursue the careers of their dreams.

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Importance of Effective Interpersonal Communication in Organizations

Effective Interpersonal Communication in Organizations

Interpersonal relationship is defined as “a string, deep or close association or acquaintance between two or more people that may range in duration from brief to enduring. This relationship may be based on inference, love, solidarity, regular business interactions, or some type of social commitment.” Interpersonal expresses “relating to relationship between people” (Collins Dictionary). On the one hand, the Oxford dictionary defines ‘interpersonal’ refers to “relating to relationships or communication between people.” On the other hand, ‘relationship’ is defined as “the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected” (Oxford Dictionary).

From the above definitions, an interpersonal relationship, therefore, is a deep and close connection between two or more people who share a common bond, which forms the basis of their alliance. As such, an interpersonal relationship at a workplace is a connection between people sharing a workspace of sorts. However, their link or association may only be temporary depending on the nature of the job they are doing. Their common interest is therefore the progress of the company from which they earn their livelihood. Thus, in an organization setting, there are at least two levels of interpersonal relationships. First, co-workers relate because they would want to benefit personally by ensuring the company also progresses. The second level of interpersonal relationship in such a setting is the personal connection between the workers. Since the company has brought them together, the workers also develop relationships among themselves, which may even be intimate.

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Why is it Important?

Maintaining an effective interpersonal relationship at a workplace is essential for every company. There are various good reasons an organizations would want to encourage and cultivate interpersonal relationship amongst its employees. Some of these include:

Lengthy working hours

The first reason why employees in a workplace need closeness is the length of time they spend together in the same place or around one another. Most organizations have legislations that define working hours as the amount of time workers spend on productive activities at an establishment or business. According to Wikipedia, legislations set “standard working hours per day, per week or per year”. The working hours for a full-time employee are about eight hours per day. Spending this time in solitude is not possible. Human beings are very sensitive and get tired and stressed. Due to these factors, they need to take breaks between jobs, forcing them to talk to colleagues.

Decision Making

The main purpose of a workplace is production and problem solving. To this effect, interactions between different cadres of employees must occur. According to Small Business Chron, engaging employees in an organization’s decision-making is paramount. Effective interactions in workplace develop “trust, the assessment problems from different angles bring about good relationship as well as offer different types of discussions.” Under these circumstances, different departments and employees, say a production manager and a marketing department need to explain themselves to the employees. To disseminate all these issues, formal and informal meetings take place at a workplace where employees exchange ideas. An excellent interpersonal relationship simplifies problem solving in a workplace and makes work efficient.

Better Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is perhaps the cardinal role of fostering harmonious workplace interactions. According to John McLaughlin, an organizational culture is “a system of shared assumptions, values and beliefs which governs how people behave in organizations”. He further states the phenomenon is characterized by “innovations, attention to details, emphasis to outcome, and emphasis to people, teamwork, aggressiveness and stability.” For an organization to attain its mission and vision, it must have a well spelt-out organizational culture. Naturally, it is the employees who are expected to implement the company’s cultural objectives. Since every individual is different, harnessing the interpersonal relationship of the workers effectively is paramount for the achievement of corporate values.

Motivation and Teamwork

Motivation is essential in getting the best out of the employees. Motivation helps employees surmount difficulties and drawbacks. Shane Kelly defines motivation as “the level of desire employees feel to perform regardless of the level of happiness. Employees who are motivated to perform will be more productive, more engaged and feel invested in their work. It is the process through which managers encourage employees to be more productive and effective”.

Motivation is some sort of encouragement given to employees to increase their level of production and enthusiasm in undertaking their assigned projects. When employees are actively engaged, they are likely to radiate the passion to the entire workforce, creating a sense of cohesion or togetherness. This engagement results in greater teamwork. Therefore, stating that an effective interpersonal interaction in a workplace is likely to enhance the quality of work as well as the general working moods so that the company surpasses its set targets is correct. From the above definition of an effective interpersonal relationship at a workplace, as well as the evaluation of factors that a corporation could likely gain from a cohesive workplace, it is evident that an organization gears itself to achieve much from an exciting employee working environment.

Not only does such a company exude positive and enjoyable employee interactions, but it is also likely to save costs as a result of better decision-making mechanisms. Another significant milestone arising out of ethical interpersonal interactions at a workplace is the attainment of organizational core culture. Since this culture works well both in a company’s internal and external environment, the company stands to gain a more significant foothold in the market due to satisfied customers, reliable suppliers and motivated employees.These factors inevitably results in greater profits and more efficiencies. An effective interpersonal relationship in a workplace also leads to the elimination of wastes and losses occasioned by unproductive staff, disgruntled clients and hazardous workplace.

A company derives many benefits from effective interpersonal relationship at a workplace; hence, it is important to encourage workers to relate to one another effectively. A positive interaction among the employees at a workplace will certainly translate to higher productivity.