How to find a summer job

How to find a summer job

A summer job is an occupation that you take up during your holiday; during the summertime, most schools are on a break. Students use this moment to earn some extra pocket money and also to gain some experience. Summer jobs are not only meant for the students but also for the retired citizens.

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How  to  pay  for  college

How to pay for college

Every scholar aims at pursuing his/her education till the highest level. However, some of their dreams crush when they receive admission letters to their dream colleges, only to learn that they cannot afford to pay for the college. Parents are given the responsibility to see their children through college but sometimes the finances are overwhelming, and they cannot afford the college fees. They look for alternative ways to pay for college.

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How to avoid procrastination

How to avoid procrastination

Procrastination is the tendency of postponing activities; this causes people to carry out activities at the eleventh hour. Procrastination can be associated with mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and irrational behavior. To avoid procrastination one can create a timetable, have work appraisals, and sign contracts. These documents enable one to work on things in a timely manner.

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How to choose a college major

How to choose a college major

A college major is a field of study that one takes up in during the last two years of their learning; if your degree runs for two years the major is usually selected at the beginning of your course. One can major in one or two courses depending on the weight of their coursework. A person can also create their own major.

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How to get along with your roommate

How to get along with your roommate

When we go off to college we are often allocated a roommate either by the institution or the person in charge of the hostel. Different people have different personalities; you have to keep your fingers crossed and hope that you get a roommate whose personality matches with yours. Avoid pre-judging your housemate before they talk to you; be nice to them, and get to know them.

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