​How to wear a contact Lens

​How to wear a contact Lens

Contact lenses also referred to by may as contacts. It is a thin lens placed directly on the surface of the eye. These lenses are considered medical devices and are worn to correct the vision of many. People choose to wear contacts instead of spectacles for various reasons:

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How to wash a Sweater

How to wash a Sweater

Washing a sweater seems like an easy idea but have you ever thought of how to effectively wash yours? A sweater is a garment worn on top of other clothes to provide warmth to the body. They are different materials used in the making of a sweater. Some of the most common fabrics include: -

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How to plan a Party

How to plan a Party

Every person planning for a party always has the best interests at heart. There are many types of parties one can plan. Be it birthdays, Surprises, Dinner, Tea, etc. A party is a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving food, drinking, and entertainment. It is formed for the purposes of socializing. Planning is always stressful for most people. It is so because it requires a lot of time making many to end up waiting until the last minute, therefore, missing critical essentials.

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How to find the Perfect Roommate

How to find the Perfect Roommate ​

There are many reasons as to why you would like to share a room with a friend. Firstly, not many people enjoy having their privacy invaded but there some cases in which all this is inevitable. A good way to start is to first meet and find out if there is a good understanding from both of you. Do you have the same ambitions? Are both of you comfortable with each other? Can you work together?

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