How to get your PhD

The automatic first step to get your postgraduate degree is to complete a masters degree and subsequently, your undergraduate. It is preferable for the degrees pursued to be of a related fashion, thus for easy qualification to your desired postgraduate class. This is part of the journey for any person who not only loves their subject of study, but also has a passion for academics, and believes in the worth and values it proposes for the individual who chooses to pursue it. Therefore, one step at a time. Complete your undergrad, then enroll for a master. Complete your graduate course successfully, to enroll in the highest and hardest degree in the land. The previous graduations should all be done with a relative amount of effort and good merit to enable you to qualify to study for your Ph.D. in the school of your choice.

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What do lawyers write?

Lawyers are trained writers. From the time they start their law school undergraduate to the time they write their exams, group work presentations, and essays; they are legal writers in training. It is not optional. For a career in a legal office, all legislators, paralegals, lawyers, judges and other law professionals must be schooled in how to read, write and interpret the language of the law. Law has its own unique language mostly based on old Latin script and writing that can only be understood by laws students and individuals working in this specific profession. It takes years to master and not only know how to say it but also, to know how to write it down and what it means. Most importantly, how to use it in the right context.

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Legal writing for dummies

Writing does not come easily to everyone. When it comes down to writing for a particular top or subject matter, it becomes even harder. Even for good writers. It involves changing your mindset and putting yourself in the shoes of someone else. This cannot be taken for granted. One needs to be alert, sensitive to both the reader and the new perspective they have taken. I have listed some points that can help you become a better legal writer and avoid some embarrassments.

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How to write a literature review for a dissertation proposal

As an academic writer, a student for that matter who is seeking to complete a graduate degree then writing in a mature nature that shows your level of education is important. The writer is expected to provide an analytical overview of the chosen literature which will be published on your topic. If the audience knows less about the subject matter, then it should be more instructional. In most cases, the student-teacher scenario, the audience knows more than you do. In that case, the aim is to demonstrate familiarity with the topic and above all understanding.

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Is Grammarly a reliable plagiarism checker?

If you are an avid writer, then it is safe to assume you have heard of Grammarly. You have probably used it too and added it as an extension to your web browser to check your spelling and grammar. In my experience, it has been very helpful and does the basics. Corrects my spelling, adds a hyphen here and there. It also makes to help me phrase a statement correct and generally I can avoid embarrassment among my readers using Grammarly.

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