Benefits of Ph.D. in the USA

The first benefit associated with getting a graduate degree is the prestige that comes along with it. Categorically recognized as the hardest or rather, toughest coursework in higher education, getting a Ph.D. awards you with some bragging rights. You will immediately be seen as a person who is, in fact, resilient and hardworking enough to complete such a course. A person who can commit and finish. It lets people know something about your character and puts you in a positive light. You also get the title doctor to put before your name. After all, you earned it. Dr. so and so has a nice ring to it. However, other than bragging rights, what else is there?

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Legal Writing Techniques

Writing, in general, has different genres and techniques. Short prose, long form, and the likes. When it comes to legal writing its own unique techniques apply according to laws, states and the court being addressed. It is always good to show a good command of the language and knowledge of the law. It is also important to follow the rules and regulations, as well as the format stipulated. When writing in legal format, or addressing a legal topic certain technique is applied.

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What do lawyers write?

Lawyers compose several letters and other legal documents. They do address legal issues such as requests to judges and magistrates. They also address court proceedings or an appeal. They also write internal memos for the office among other things. They constantly have to follow up on proceedings in court and address witnesses. They also assist those unfamiliar with the law on how to address the court and for example, a nervous witness may be given a sheet to read from in preparation for appearing in court. The statement is written by the lawyer in relation to the witness statement.

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Research Paper on Intellectual Property Rights

People and ideas go hand in hand. With minds that have millions of neurons at work, it is no surprise that men (and women) have made some of the world’s greatest creations. We are innovative human beings. A thought is a continuous process of the mind. The mind never sleeps. Even when we close our eyes and shut down for the day, our mind is working to help us sleep and even then, in our dreams we get visions and vivid ideas.

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How to prevent plagiarism

Plagiarism is common in academic writing and novel writing. Stealing of ideas for fictional content happens. Using ideas without citation and credit also happens. We read we admire, we copy. We find the work original and pleasant. We are compelled to write a similar story. Another case scenario is admiring an authority figure. Their work ethic, their ideologies and their contribution to society. As a result, we end up thinking and behaving like them. After all, they are role models, however, sometimes it can be taken a tad bit far. Their ideologies are ingrained and one can fail to mention where those ideas came from, how you came up with a solution. Imitation is the highest form of flattery –Charles Caleb Colton, in Lacon: or, Many things in few words, 1820. I have just used the quote to credit the source who happens to be the author named above. As an example of avoiding plagiarism.

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