Why Get a Ph.D.?

You have finished your undergrad successfully. After a few years, you chose to do a masters. Some people to do it right after they have finished their first degree, but I think that is unwise. For one, you may have an interest in the subject, but without experience in the marketplace, you do not know much more than that. In fact, after some time as an employee, you may consider changing your course altogether. Therefore, my advice would be to wait a few years 2-3 even five, to do a masters. This will really enhance your resume because you have a somewhat lengthy experience and then the masters will be that icing on the cake.

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Breach of contract case study

A breach of contract refers to when any party privy to an agreement or contract whether oral or written fails to perform according to the terms of the contract. There are many ways to be in breach of contract but many times it refers, to failure to supply goods, failure to pay contractors, providing inferior services and products. There is a standard that is agreed upon and it must be maintained. In simple terms a breach of contract is a broken promise to do something. In legal terms it is ‘an unjustifiable failure to perform terms of a contract’. In a different definition it is explained as ‘the violation of contract through failure to perform, or through interference with the performance of the contractual obligations’.

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What is a memorandum?

A memorandum is a short document, which is drafted to help individuals to remember meetings, events, observations, future activities, or activities that they need to undertake. A memorandum also referred to a memo, is an informal written communication that one department uses to notify another department of any occurrences that are within the office, or passing information that one needs to be communicated, for example, a change in the program. Various establishments and offices use memorandums to relay information to between co-workers; memos are less formal as compared to the other official documents such as letters.

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Opportunities for Ph.D. students

Doing a Ph.D. is at the top tier for every academic. Multiple degrees make you an academic, but a Ph.D. secures the title doctor and obviously an expert in your field. You are immediately looked upon as a reference for your specialization. The smartest person in the room. It is often very challenging to achieve a Ph.D. It requires a lot of commitment to study and being focused. Students who commit to having a doctorate degree are not only motivated, they have to be determined to go the whole way!

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How to write professional emails

Emails are the most common form of communication when one is carrying out a transaction, or when asking for an audience with the partner company or an individual. Despite the fact that emails are not formal letters one should try and make them as professional as possible, for the benefit of creating a good company image and maintaining a professional background.

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