Drafting court documents

Legal drafting means the preparation of any written legal document. A motion, a letter, a brief a memo or a contract. In general, drafting summarizes the action of organizing information and ideas into sentences and paragraphs as part of the writing process. Hence the phrase, ‘rough draft’. To mean, unfinished or unpolished works. Drafting is always about the recipient. Lawyers must always consider their recipients first. Having knowledge of your audience pays off. You know the appropriate language to use, the substance of the text and what changes need to be made.

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How to write a thesis plan

A thesis is based on a decisive body of work. The writer, who is also the student decides on a topic to write on. They craft a statement that they have researched upon and move from there with direction on their next steps. These next steps come from planning. The thesis statement comes at the end of the first paragraph of your academic paper. It is part of the structure that comes with writing a thesis. In order to do good work, one must be organized and that is where the thesis plan comes in.

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How to become a better legal writer


When it comes to writing, professionally or academically spellchecking your grammar is not negotiable. The words must be correctly spelled, and your sentences have to make sense. With regards to the legal profession, it is that much more important. The legal documents lawyers and legislators write are read aloud in court, presented to authoritative figures in the law industry. Even when presented to a peer, it is important, to not only look right but sound right. Your presentation reflects you as a legal officer, and hence your work must be up to par and this is one step.

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Ph.D. experience

The Ph.D. is the highest degree in the land. To achieve a doctorate degree not only shows your skills and prowess in the field, it also shows your smarts and dedication, and this is the most important thing. This is one of the main reasons as to why people get degrees. Your title has an effect and command that draws attention and commands respect. Many would want the title Dr. but the work that goes into it is what often puts people off. The kind of tenacity needed to complete a doctorate degree is what separates the dreamers from the doors, and it is what gets you recognized as a par above the rest.

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Importance of drafting in law

Legal drafting means the preparation of any written legal document. A motion, a letter, a brief a memo or a contract. In general, drafting summarizes the action of organizing information and ideas into sentences and paragraphs as part of the writing process. Hence the phrase, ‘rough draft’. To mean, unfinished or unpolished works. Drafting is always about the recipient. Lawyers must always consider their recipients first. Having knowledge of your audience pays off. You know the appropriate language to use, the substance of the text and what changes need to be made.

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